HKB Diploma Festival
20 au 26 juin
Le Master Contemporary Arts Practice de la Haute école des arts de Berne a le plaisir de présenter Scattered, but there, l’édition 2024 du « Diplomfestival ».
A la Voirie, 3 étudiants et étudiantes présenteront leurs projets de diplôme :
Andrea Raemy: Broad Shoulders | 2024 | Sculptures
Strength, resilience and power are attributes that are associated with broad shoulders. But who has them, and in which situations in our everyday are they a prerequisite? In her work Broad Shoulders, Andrea Cindy Raemy explores these questions and investigates possible substitutes. To do this, she listens to music such as Pjluk by Cecile Believe, for example, and draws inspiration from costume design, consumer goods and spectacle. She explores the blurred lines between inner dynamics, internalized beliefs and external expectations. Her aim is to challenge traditional narratives and existing social constructs.
Moni Jia Rui Scherer: Borderlands | 2024 | Installation
My work explores the intersections of identity, intimacy, and power. I focus particularly on the realms of queerness and cultural heritage. Through personal narrative and visual storytelling, I examine how cultural norms, institutional practices, and systemic inequalities shape our relationships and our sense of self.
borderlands, a multimedia collaboration with photographer Shannon Tomasik, blurs the lines between artistic practice and personal life, staging and authenticity. We document a romantic relationship unfolding alongside our professional collaboration, challenging traditional notions of art and documentation.
The auto-fictional narrative Zwischen Löwenzahn und Hyazinthen further examines the interplay of gender, class, and race in various social and professional settings, demonstrating their impact on our interactions and the complexities of belonging.
Jasmin Kiranoglu: PORTAKAL | 2024 | Performance | 25 min
One room. One body. Oranges. Screams. Cracks. Amniotic fluid. Resolution. Divided. Crushed. Brought together. It flows. Scent. Juice. Stitches. An introspective.
My work explores empathy, healing, and the fragmentation of the body, sound, and fruit. Using oranges as a symbol and organic material, I examine psychological and physical human vulnerability, as well as their sensuality, materiality, color, and form.
20 juin, 20h00 / 22 juin, 15h30
La Voirie sera ouverte aux heures suivantes :
20 juin: Ouverture du festival de 16h à env. 21h30
20 juin: 12-19h
22.-23. juin: 11-20h
24.-26. juin: 12-19h
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