Sowari, Loriot et Koch, Kocher & Badrutt – Triple Concerto
- 16:00:00
Trio Koch, Kocher & Badrutt
Gaudenz Badrutt (électronique, Bienne)
Jonas Kocher (accordéon, Bienne)
Hans Koch (clarinette, Bienne)
Solo Frantz Loriot
Frantz Loriot (alto, Zurich)
Bertrand Denzler (saxophone, Paris)
Phil Durrant (synthétiseur modulaire et logiciel, Londres)
Burkhard Beins (percussion et objets, Berlin)

Le dimanche 28 novembre 2021, vous aurez l’occasion d’entendre des genre de musiques différente dans la Voirie :
Le trio biennois Koch, Kocher & Badrutt (Hans Koch, clarinette ; Jonas Kocher, accordéon et Gaudenz Badrutt, électronique) apporteront le lancement du disque de leur EP ARCHYTAS CURVE (sortie en novembre 2020), qui a dû être reporté en raison de la pandémie.
La soirée sera complétée par :
Le trio franco-allemand SOWARI (Burkhard Beins, percussion et objets ; Bertrand Denzler, saxophone et Phil Durrant, synthétiseur modulaire et logiciel) qui a déjà joué au festival Ear We Are de Bienne, une prestation légendaire de 2011.
SOWARI est un trio important pour la musique improvisée européenne, qui constitue un pendant musical au contrepoint musical du trio Koch, Kocher & Badrutt. Basé à Zurich,
L’artiste Frantz Loriot complétera les deux ensembles de trio par un interlude solo.
Sa musique est captivante et surprenante ; l’alto fait un contraste passionnant avec les deux trios, qui ont également trouvé leur place dans l’orchestre et leur sonorité individuelle spécifique grâce à de nombreuses années d’expérience.
Trio Sowari
The group brings together an English electronics specialist, a Swiss/French saxophonist and a German percussionist, all of them highly committed to the European contemporary experimental music scene.
As members of ensembles like Mimeo, Hubbub, Polwechsel and countless others, they have released their music on labels such as Another Timbre, Erstwhile, Matchless, Potlatch, Confront, Hat Hut, For4Ears, Emanem, Leo, and many others.
Moving within evolving electro-acoustic fields Trio Sowari investigates their asymmetric structures and multilayered ambiguities. No signs of dystopianism or retrotopianism here, but undaunted and spirited ways of facing a complex and bewildering present. Since its foundation in 2004 the group has played innumerable venues and festivals all across Europe.
« This is disciplined, focused music, the sound of people really thinking and playing, and close attention is consistently rewarded. »
– Clive Bell, The Wire –
« Musicianship and creativity of the highest order. »
– Dan Warburton , ParisTransatlantic –
« The result of these alluring and positively sensual investigations is a dense and coherent sound composed of a myriad of building blocks, which allows both for macro- and micro-listening. »
– Tobias Fischer, tokafi –
Koch, Kocher & Badrutt
Trio existing since 2014, it consists of three major figures of the Swiss improvised music scene. Koch, Kocher & Badrutt brilliantly achieve to play a subtle electro-acoustic improvised music, blending acoustic sources and electronics on a surprising way to create a music full of unpredictable events and of particular beauty. Archytas Curve is their second release. […] I am stunned by the immediacy of the improvising. They have developed a special way of playing fast and slow simultaneously. It seems to come from a finely tuned interactive understanding, one that makes me think of the Jimmy Giuffre Trio of the early sixties, but with a different arsenal of shapes and textures. Similar reverence for held sounds, extremes of register, brilliant action that ends with a stuck landing. […] (John Corbett, excerpt from the liner notes for Archytas Curve).
Frantz Loriot
French-Japanese violist Frantz Loriot performs solo and is active in a number of international ensembles. He has contributed to interdisciplinary projects related to dance, image, theatre and poetry, and various installations. Loriot initiated and led two large ensembles, the European Notebook Large Ensemble and the NYC based Systematic Distortion Orchestra. Active in a number of international collective ensembles, his current projects include solo and divers duos, trios and quartets (see projects’ page). Loriot regularly performs around the globe (Europe, USA, South America, Japan & Middle East) and has been invited to be artist in residence at the Météo – Mulhouse Music festival (2016 edition) and Moods in Zurich (December 2018). Loriot has also been invited by different ensembles such as EMIR, trio LDP, the Tel Aviv based ensemble Musica Nova, Bambi Pang Pang, etc. He occasionally organises concerts series when he has the opportunities (WIM-Hearings in Zurich, for ex.). While living in NYC, he created and curated (co-curated later on) the musical series Ze Couch in Brooklyn, and co-curated the Avant-Post series with Tonino Miano in Harlem. Both series were mainly dedicated to avant-garde/new music. Loriot appears on over 50 records released on international labels such as Peira, FMR, Sickcore, Impressus, Prom Night, Edible Onion, Komma Null, Klein, Neither/Nor, OutNow, Shhpuma, Intonema, Clean Feed, Creative Sources, Veto Exchange, Wide Ear, Thin Wrist etc. Loriot studied music in Paris with several professors (Mari Yasuda-Raclot, the Pons brothers, Nicolas Dupin, Ivry Gitlis, Yukari Tate & Pascal Robault) and was brought to improvisation by Régis Huby, Joëlle Léandre, Barre Phillips, and David S. Ware. He was initiated to soundmassage by Thierry Madiot. After having lived in Paris and New York City, Frantz Loriot now resides in Zürich (Switzerland)